Fulfil your dreams - be a life saver!
Are you Caring? Committed? Compassionate? Then consider becoming a nurse.
간호사가 없이는 의사가 직업을 수행하기 어렵고 환자들은 부상과 질병에서 회복하는데 훨씬 더 오래 걸릴 것이기 때문에 여러분은 학위를 마친 후 뉴질랜드 의료 분야에서 핵심적인 역할을 하게 될 것입니다.
매년 수백 명의 윈텍 대학 간호학과 학생들은 전국의 병원 지역 사회 건강 센터 호스피스 및 정신 건강 관리 기관에서 실제 업무 경험을 쌓습니다.
간호학 학사 과정은 등록 간호사로 일하기 위해 필요한 이론 및 실제 지식을 제공하고 있으며. 임상 경험이 풍부한 전문 강사들이 여러분을 최고의 간호사로 거듭나게 해 드릴 것 입니다.
* 윈텍대학에서 간호학을 공부해야 하는 가장 큰 이유는?
• 취업률이 매우 매우 높습니다.
• Wintec의 간호학 프로그램은 간호사 경험을 가진 우수한 교수가 진행합니다.
• Wintec은 뉴질랜드의 간호학을 선도하는 기관입니다.
• 이론과 실습이 유기적으로 잘 결합되어 교육 효과가 탁월 합니다.
• 실습 장소를 학교에서 알선 합니다.
* 코스 개요
•입학시기: 2월과 7월
•수업 연한: 3년
•학업 레벨: 학사 학위Level 7
•유학생 입학 가능/ 편입학 가능. International Fee Guideline
•수업 장소: 시티캠퍼스
* 코스 내역
Nurses utilise nursing knowledge and nursing judgement to assess health needs and provide care, and to advise and support people to manage their health.
They practise in a range of settings in partnership with individuals, families, and communities. Nurses may practise in a variety of clinical contexts depending on their educational preparation and scope of practice experience.
A Registered Nurse could focus on mental health, child health, aged care, oncology (cancer), community health, primary health care or workplace health and safety.
Or maybe the fast paced nursing in intensive care or the operating theatre is for you. Your day will be spent planning and carrying out nursing care in your specialist area, monitoring patients, recording important changes in patient conditions, giving medication and intravenous drugs, checking equipment and supplies or educating patients and their families about health care needs.
When you study nursing at Wintec, you will be part of a proud programme renowned nationally and internationally for its first-class nursing curriculum and for educating nursing students to contribute to a wide range of healthcare workplaces. Our degree is so highly respected and recognised that both New Zealand and overseas employers hire most of our graduates within six months of finishing our three-year nursing programme.
Your study will combine theoretical knowledge with hands-on learning in real healthcare environments. You will have the chance to care for your own patients and learn about the industry through putting classroom learning into practice. And our dedicated and experienced staff will be there to guide you every step of the way.
If you want to become a Registered Nurse with the knowledge and skills to practise in a variety of healthcare settings, then this programme is right for you.
On completion of this programme you’ll sit a Nursing Council of New Zealand registration exam to become a Registered Nurse.
* 학습 내용 What You'll Learn
You will study:
•Professional nursing knowledge
•Interpersonal relationships
•Research skills
•Human science
•Clinical and health assessment
•Management and leadership
•Biculturalism and integration of Treaty of Waitangi into nursing practice
학생들은 수업, 튜토리얼, 실습 등을 통해서 간호사로서 업무를 수행하는데 차질이 없도록 철저하게 교육 합니다.
* 수업 시간과 실습 비중What will my timetable be like?
1주일에 약 40시간을 공부하도록 프로그램 되어 있습니다. 그 중에서 25시간은 교실 수업이고, 15시간은 과제물을 하는데 필요합니다.
실습과 수업 비율은 다음과 같습니다.
1학년 – 75% 이론, 25% 실습
2학년 – 50/50
3학년 – 25% 이론, 75% 실습
* 졸업 후 진로 Career/Further Opportunities
The Bachelor of Nursing may lead to employment as a Registered Nurse in private or public hospitals, in the mental health sector, in independent practice, the defence services, as a Nursing Lecturer, a Medical representative, Health Consultant or Administrator, a Community Nurse, or a Speciality Nurse. You could also choose to continue with postgraduate study.
Graduating with a nursing degree from Wintec will open up many career pathways for your future in the health sector. With your caring and compassionate nature, you’ll find yourself dealing with the prevention and treatment of a range of ills and ailments from the very beginning of life right through to the twilight years.
간호학 학사는 사립 또는 공립 병원, 멘탈헬스, 독립적 인 실무, 군대, 간호학 강사, 의료업체, 건강 컨설턴트 등으로 일하거나 대학원 공부를 계속할 수 있습니다.
Wintec에서 간호학 학위를 받고 졸업하면 의료 분야에서의 많은 진로가 열리게 될 것입니다.
* 입학 지원에 필요한 절차Application Process
•입학지원서 작성Download and complete an application to enrol form.
•온라인 자기소개서 작성Complete the online Self-Disclosure form
•If you’re not sure if you meet the entry criteria complete the online Additional Information form so we’re able to assess your likelihood of success
교과목 Schedule of Modules
Year 1 - Level 5 Modules
Module Code | Module Title | Level | Credits | Pre-Requisites | Co-Requisites |
Introduction to Nursing | 5 | 15 | |||
Developing the Professional Self | 5 | 15 |
| ||
Nursing through the Lifespan | 5 | 15 | |||
Human Body for Nursing | 5 | 15 | |||
Social Context of Nursing in New Zealand | 5 | 15 | |||
Promoting Health and Wellness | 5 | 15 | |||
Introduction to Nursing Practice | 5 | 15 | |||
Human Body and Introduction to Pharmacology | 5 | 15 |
Year 2 - Level 6 Modules
Module Code | Module Title | Level | Credits | Pre-Requisites | Co-Requisites |
Nursing Practice 1 | 6 | 30 | All level 5 modules | ||
Clinical Practicum 1 | 6 | 30 | All level 5 modules | ||
Nursing Practice 2 | 6 | 30 | |||
Clinical Practicum 2 | 6 | 30 |
Year 3 - Level 7 Modules
Module Code | Module Title | Level | Credits | Pre-Requisites | Co-Requisites |
Nursing Practice 3 | 7 | 30 | All level 6 modules | ||
Clinical Practicum 3 | 7 | 30 | All level 6 modules | ||
Integrated Practice | 7 | 60 |
뉴질랜드 간호학과 및 뉴질랜드 간호사 되기에 대해서 궁금하신 점이 있으시다면 언제든지 엔젯인포 NZINFO 로 문의 주시구요.
오늘 하루도 행복하고 즐거운 하루 보내시기 바랍니다. ^^*
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