뉴질랜드 커뮤니티 엔젯인포 NZINFO 운영자 Guni 다이나스픽 Dynaspeak 지현 메니저과 제니스



뉴질랜드 전문 지식인 엔젯인포 NZINFO 카페 운영자 제니스 입니다.


오늘은 뉴질랜드 다이나스픽 Dynaspeak 어학원 방문하고 돌아왔습니다. ^^*

다이나스픽 어학원에서 오랫동안 근무하고 계신 지현 선생님은 엔젯인포 운영진과 6년 넘게 알아온 각별한 사이 입니다.

근데 지현쌤~ 우리 사진 어떻해요. ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 너무 웃기게 나왔는데.... 더 웃긴건 이게 제일 잘나온 사진이랍니다.ㅎㅎㅎ

다이나스픽 어학원 Dynaspeak English 어학원은 뉴질랜드에 유일한 스피킹 어학원 입니다.

오후 수업은 영어 회화를 익히는 집중 코스로 진행 되며 2시간씩 말하기 발음 교정등의 수업을 받게 됩니다.

사실 다이나스픽은 이제 개인 어학원이 아니구요. 뉴질랜드 정부 어학원으로 편입 되었습니다.

뉴질랜드 영주권 및 시민권을 가지고 있으나 영어를 못하거나 디플로마 과정을 공부하고 싶은 학생들에게도 무료로 수업을 제공해 드리고 있습니다.

스피킹을 집중으로 키우고 싶으시다면 다이나스픽 어학원을 고심해 보시는것도 현명하실듯 합니다.^^*

뉴질랜드 다이나스픽 어학원 방문 후기는 서둘러 자신 자료와 함께 자세하게 올려 놓도록 하겠습니다.

뉴질랜드 어학연수 후기 , 넬슨 어학원에서 온 메일





뉴질랜드 전문 지식인 엔젯인포 NZINFO 카페 운영자 제니스 입니다.





아침부터 유난스럽게 습하고, 덥고..... 시원한 물로 샤워를 해도 개운함을 느끼지 못하는 수요일이네요.




저는 아침에 눈을뜨면 제일 먼저 핸드폰으로 메일을 보는 일을 시작으로 하루를 시작 합니다.


어제 퇴근하고 보지 못한 반가운 메일이 와있네요.




뉴질랜드 전문 지식인으로 일하고 있으면서 항상 학생분들께 잘지내고 있다. 소개 받은 학원이 생각보다 너무 좋다라고 메일을 받을때면


참 행복해지고 나는 참 좋은 직업이구나라고 생각이 듭니다.




엔젯인포 유학센터를 통해서 뉴질랜드 넬슨 어학원에 계신 회원님께서 안부 인사를 남겨주셨네요.


오늘 참 행복하고 기분 좋아집니다.




대기씨 멀리 뉴질랜드에서 행복하고 좋은 일들만 가득하시구요.


남은 기간 영어 공부 열심히 하셔서~ 꼭 성공하는 어학연수 되시길 제니스가 진심으로 응원할게요~










2016 뉴질랜드 워킹홀리데이 비자신청방법




뉴질랜드 전문 지식인 엔젯인포 NZINFO 카페 운영자 제니스 입니다.


http://cafe.naver.com/camcam [뉴질랜드 커뮤니티 엔젯인포 NZINFO]




오늘은 2016년 뉴질랜드 워킹홀리데이 비자 신청 방법에 대해서 자세하게 포스팅 해보겠습니다.


누구나 아래 포스팅을 보시면 쉽게 뉴질랜드 워킹홀리데이 비자를 신청하실 수 있습니다.




먼저 비자를 신청하기 위해서 반드시 필요한 준비물부터 알아보겠습니다.


신분증 (주민등록증 또는 운전면허증) . 여권 (유효기간이 2년 이상 남아 있는 여권) . 신용카드 (뉴질랜드 이민성에서 결제시 필요한 카드 준비)




뉴질랜드 워킹홀리데이 비자를 신청하시려면 반드시 뉴질랜드 이민성 홈페이지에 회원가입을 하셔야 합니다.


설마 이민성 사이트에 가입을 안하시지는 않으셨겠지요?


만약 이민성 회원가입을 안하셨다면 http://cafe.naver.com/camcam/710132 글을 보시고 최대한 빨리 회원가입을 해주세요.







뉴질랜드 이민성 사이트에 가입하셨던 아이디와 패스워드를 가지고 로그인을 하십니다.


Select from the list Working Holiday visa 체크








Working Holiday 클릭








South Korea 선택후 OK


기서 급하다고 싱가폴부터 다른 나라 잘못 체크하고 비자 신청하시는 분들 많으신데요.


잘못 체크하면 비자가 디클라인 되므로 사우스 코리아 정확히 체크후 OK 눌러주세요.
















왼쪽 * 별표 빨간색으로 되어 있는 부부을 여권을 보시고 꼼꼼하게 작성합니다.








여권 정보를 입력하시고 National ID는 주민등록증 앞면 하단에 작게 나와 있는 날짜를 (발급일)을 쓰시면 되세요.








현재 직업 선택, 본인의 직업이 없으시면 빈칸으로 넣어 두시고 NEXT를 클릭하셔도 무방합니다.








Health 관련된 내용 아래 사진과 동일하게 체크 NEXT







사진과 동일하게 체크하시고 NEXT








뉴질랜드에 입국 하신 적이 없으시다면 제니스와 동일하게 체크하시고 넥스트를 과감하게 눌러주세요.








아래 V 마크에 노란색으로 모두 색칠이 되어 있다면 미비 된것 없이 완벽히 비자 신청을 마치신 상태 입니다.









지금까지 작성된 내용들이 오타는 없는지 검색을 꼼꼼하게 해주세요.
























카드에 적혀있는 이름쓰고 OK








비자인지 마스터인지 체크하세요.








신용카드 번호 및 정보를 입력








Successful Payment가 나오면 성공 완료 고생 하셨습니다. ^^*
















뉴질랜드 학생비자 서류 쉽게 알아 볼까요?




뉴질랜드 전문 지식인 엔젯인포 NZINFO 카페 운영자 제니스 입니다.




뉴질랜드 워킹홀리데이 비자가 마무리 되면서 미처 워홀 비자를 신청하지 못하신 회원님들께서 뉴질랜드 학생비자에 대한 문의를 많이 주고 계시는데요.


오늘 뉴질랜드 학생비자 필요 서류에 대해서 자세하고 보기 쉽게 포스팅을 해보려고 합니다.



뉴질랜드 학생비자는 어학 기관이나 일반 교육 기관에 14주 이상만 등록하시면 누구나 비자를 취득하실 수 있습니다.


물론 해외 결격 사유가 없는분에 한해서죠.


만약 6개월 이상 뉴질랜드 어학연수를 가시는 회원님이시라면 반드시 뉴질랜드 이민성에서 지정한 국내 병원에서 엑스레이 촬영을 하셔야 합니다.




뉴질랜드 학생비자에 대해서 궁금한게 생기신다면 언제든지 엔젯인포 NZINFO ☎ 02 525 3511로 문의 주세요.




뉴질랜드 학생비자 서류 무엇이 필요한가 알아볼까요.




1. 여권, 여권용 사진 2장은 반드시 필요합니다.






2. 영문 잔고증명, 뉴질랜드에서 체류 할 수 충분한 비용이 있다는걸 보여주기 위함인데요.


6개월 어학연수를 가신다면 900만원 이상의 영문 잔고증명을 하셔야 합니다.


영문 잔고증명은 아무 은행이나 가시면 쉽게 받으 실 수 있습니다.







3, 신체검사, 뉴질랜드 이민성에서 지정한 병원에서 반드시 신체검사를 하셔야 하구요.


여권 . 여권 사진 2장을 지참해 가셔야 합니다.


신촌 세브란스 병원에서 신체검사를 많이 받으시는데요. 꼭 미리 예약하시고 방문하시기 바랍니다.







4. 대학생의 경우 재학 증명서, 졸업을 하신 경우 최종 졸업 증명서


직장인의 경우 최종 졸업 증명서와 경력증명서 또는 소득금액 증명원 영문 (반드시 있어야 하는건 아닙니다.)








5. 뉴질랜드로 가시는 비행기 티켓






6. 학비 납입 영수증








조금 포스팅이 늦어진거 같지만 그래도 늦었다고 생각 될때가 가장 빠르다고 하니~~~ 포스팅을 해보겠습니다.


오늘은 2015년 뉴질랜드 워킹홀리데이 비자 승인 조회 및 출력 방법에 대해서 자세하게 안내해 드릴게요.




먼저 뉴질랜드 이민성에 로그인을 합니다.




아래 창 보이시쥬?? 아이디와 비밀번호를 넣고 Login을 합니다.








뉴질랜드 이민성에 로그인 하시면 왼쪽에 My Application을 클릭 합니다.







클릭 하시면 작은 팝업창이 하나 새로 생기구요.


View Details를 클릭하셔서 뉴질랜드 입국 하실때 지참해 가시면 되십니다.








차암~ 쉽지유~~~ 누구나 할 수 있답니다.








제니스님 안녕하세요?


제가 뉴질랜드로 3개월에서 6개월정도 어학연수를 준비하고 있는데요

직접 번돈으로 어학연수를 가는거라 가장 저렴하고 알찬 학원을 가고 싶어요


이왕이면 엑티비티도 잘되어 있고 친목도모도 좋은 학원이면 좋겠구요.

엔젯인포 카페에서 아스파이어링? 여기 후기도 많고 싸고 좋다고해서요 정확한 비용을 좀 알고 싶구요


학원 사진이나 한국 학생 비율도 좀 알려주세요

더운 날씨에 고생하시구요 곧 연락 드릴게요






뉴질랜드 3개월이랑 6개월 어학연수 비용 문의드려요 저렴한곳 추천해주세요 답변 입니다.




뉴질랜드 전문 지식인 엔젯인포 NZINFO 카페 운영자 제니스 입니다.




풀소리 매미 소리가 듣고 싶어지는 7월의 마지막 목요일이네요.


음~ 혼자 아르바이트를 하셔서 뉴질랜드 어학연수 비용을 준비하신다니 보기 좋습니다.


궁금해 하시는 뉴질랜드 아스파이어링 어학원에 대해서 자세하게 안내해 드릴게요.


뉴질랜드 아스파이어링 어학원은 오클랜드 시내 중심부에 위치하고 있구요. 2주전에 이사하여 더 좋은 환경과 시설을 갖추게 되었습니다.


Aspiring 어학원 3개월 어학연수 비용은 총 NZ$ 2,200불 이구요. 오늘 환율로 대비시 KRW 1,958,000원 입니다.


6개월 어학연수 비용은 NZ$ 4,320불 이며 오늘 환율 대비시 KWR 3,844,800원 입니다.


아래는 새로 이사한 아스파이어링 어학원 사진이구요. 국적비율도 함께 올려 드립니다.


보시고 궁금하신 점 있으시면 언제든지 엔젯인포 NZINFO ☎ 02 525 3511로 문의주시구요.


오늘 하루도 행복하고 즐겁게 보내세요.
























워홀비자 온라인 신청시


본인의 신분을 묻는 곳에서 예시로는 학생으로 나와 있는데 직장인은


뭐라고 입력해야하나요? ㅠㅠ




뉴질랜드 워킹홀리데이 비자 신청 과정 신분체크 질문! 답변 드립니다.




뉴질랜드 전문 지식인 엔젯인포 NZINFO 카페 운영자 제니스 입니다.


질문하신 뉴질랜드 워킹홀리데이 비자 신청 과정에서 신분 체크에 대해서 많은 분들이 문의를 주고 계시는데요.


자세하게 안내해 드리겠습니다. ^^*




Full list를 클릭했을 경우 나오는 내용들 입니다. 본인에게 맞는 내용을 입력 하시면 되십니다.



Summary of Terms

Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification - NZ Version 1996

Industry Code Industry Description
A011100 Plant Nurseries
A011200 Cut Flower and Flower Seed Growing
A011300 Vegetable Growing
A011400 Grape Growing
A011500 Apple and Pear Growing
A011600 Stone Fruit Growing
A011700 Kiwi Fruit Growing
A011910 Citrus Growing
A011920 Berry Fruit Growing
A011990 Other Fruit Growing nec
A012100 Grain Growing
A012200 Grain-Sheep and Grain-Beef Cattle Farming
A012300 Sheep-Beef Cattle Farming
A012400 Sheep Farming
A012500 Beef Cattle Farming
A013000 Dairy Cattle Farming
A014100 Poultry Farming (Meat)
A014200 Poultry Farming (Eggs)
A015100 Pig Farming
A015200 Horse Farming
A015300 Deer Farming
A015910 Mixed Livestock
A015930 Beekeeping
A015990 Livestock Farming nec
A016910 Tobacco and Hops Growing
A016920 Cultivated Mushroom Growing
A016990 Crop and Plant Growing nec
A021200 Shearing Services
A021300 Aerial Agricultural Services
A021900 Services to Agriculture nec
A022000 Hunting and Trapping
A030100 Forestry
A030200 Logging
A030300 Services to Forestry
A041100 Rock Lobster Fishing
A041200 Prawn Fishing
A041300 Finfish Trawling
A041400 Squid Jigging
A041500 Line Fishing
A041900 Marine Fishing nec
A042000 Aquaculture
B110100 Black Coal Mining
B110200 Brown Coal Mining
B120000 Oil and Gas Extraction
B131100 Iron Ore Mining
B131200 Bauxite Mining
B131300 Copper Ore Mining
B131400 Gold Ore Mining
B131500 Mineral Sand Mining
B131600 Nickel Ore Mining
B131700 Silver-Lead-Zinc Ore Mining
B131900 Metal Ore Mining nec
B141100 Gravel and Sand Quarrying
B141900 Construction Material Mining nec
B142000 Mining nec
B151100 Petroleum Exploration (Own Account)
B151200 Petroleum Exploration Services
B151400 Mineral Exploration Services
B152000 Other Mining Services
C211100 Meat Processing
C211200 Poultry Processing
C211300 Bacon, Ham and Smallgood Manufacturing
C212100 Milk and Cream Processing
C212200 Ice Cream Manufacturing
C212900 Dairy Product Manufacturing nec
C213000 Fruit and Vegetable Processing
C214000 Oil and Fat Manufacturing
C215100 Flour Mill Product Manufacturing
C215200 Cereal Food and Baking Mix Manufacturing
C216100 Bread Manufacturing
C216200 Cake and Pastry Manufacturing
C216300 Biscuit Manufacturing
C217100 Sugar Manufacturing
C217200 Confectionery Manufacturing
C217300 Seafood Processing
C217400 Prepared Animal and Bird Feed Manufacturing
C217900 Food Manufacturing nec
C218100 Soft Drink, Cordial and Syrup Manufacturing
C218200 Beer and Malt Manufacturing
C218300 Wine Manufacturing
C218400 Spirit Manufacturing
C219000 Tobacco Product Manufacturing
C221100 Wool Scouring
C221200 Synthetic Fibre Textile Manufacturing
C221300 Cotton Textile Manufacturing
C221400 Wool Textile Manufacturing
C221500 Textile Finishing
C222100 Made-Up Textile Product Manufacturing
C222200 Textile Floor Covering Manufacturing
C222300 Rope, Cordage and Twine Manufacturing
C222900 Textile Product Manufacturing nec
C223100 Hosiery Manufacturing
C223200 Cardigan and Pullover Manufacturing
C223900 Knitting Mill Product Manufacturing nec
C224000 Clothing Manufacturing
C225000 Footwear Manufacturing
C226110 Leather Tanning and Fur Dressing excluding Fellmongery
C226120 Fellmongery
C226200 Leather and Leather Substitute Product Manufacturing
C231100 Log Sawmilling
C231200 Wood Chipping
C231300 Timber Resawing and Dressing
C232100 Plywood and Veneer Manufacturing
C232200 Fabricated Wood Manufacturing
C232300 Wooden Structural Component Manufacturing
C232900 Wood Product Manufacturing nec
C233100 Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Manufacturing
C233200 Solid Paperboard Container Manufacturing
C233300 Corrugated Paperboard Container Manufacturing
C233400 Paper Bag and Sack Manufacturing
C233900 Paper Product Manufacturing nec
C241100 Paper Stationery Manufacturing
C241200 Printing
C241300 Services to Printing
C242100 Newspaper Printing or Publishing
C242200 Other Periodical Publishing
C242300 Book and other Publishing
C243000 Recorded Media Manufacturing and Publishing
C251000 Petroleum Refining
C252000 Petroleum and Coal Product Manufacturing nec
C253100 Fertiliser Manufacturing
C253200 Industrial Gas Manufacturing
C253300 Synthetic Resin Manufacturing
C253400 Organic Industrial Chemical Manufacturing nec
C253500 Inorganic Industrial Chemical Manufacturing nec
C254100 Explosive Manufacturing
C254200 Paint Manufacturing
C254300 Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product Manufacturing
C254400 Pesticide Manufacturing
C254500 Soap and Other Detergent Manufacturing
C254600 Cosmetic and Toiletry Preparation Manufacturing
C254700 Ink Manufacturing
C254900 Chemical Product Manufacturing nec
C255100 Rubber Tyre Manufacturing
C255900 Rubber Product Manufacturing nec
C256100 Plastic Blow Moulded Product Manufacturing
C256200 Plastic Extruded Product Manufacturing
C256300 Plastic Bag and Film Manufacturing
C256400 Plastic Product Rigid Fibre Reinforced Manufacturing
C256500 Plastic Foam Product Manufacturing
C256600 Plastic Injection Moulded Product Manufacturing
C261000 Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing
C262100 Clay Brick Manufacturing
C262200 Ceramic Product Manufacturing
C262300 Ceramic Tile and Pipe Manufacturing
C262900 Ceramic Product Manufacturing nec
C263100 Cement and Lime Manufacturing
C263200 Plaster Product Manufacturing
C263300 Concrete Slurry Manufacturing
C263400 Concrete Pipe and Box Culvert Manufacturing
C263500 Concrete Product Manufacturing nec
C264000 Non-Metallic Mineral Product Manufacturing nec
C271100 Basic Iron and Steel Manufacturing
C271200 Iron and Steel Casting and Forging
C271300 Steel Pipe and Tube Manufacturing
C272100 Alumina Production
C272200 Aluminium Smelting
C272300 Copper, Silver, Lead and Zinc Smelting, Refining
C272900 Basic Non-Ferrous Metal Manufacturing nec
C273100 Aluminium Rolling, Drawing, Extruding
C273200 Non-Ferrous Metal Rolling, Drawing, Extruding nec
C273300 Non-Ferrous Metal Casting
C274100 Structural Steel Fabricating
C274200 Architectural Aluminium Product Manufacturing
C274900 Structural Metal Product Manufacturing nec
C275100 Metal Container Manufacturing
C275900 Sheet Metal Product Manufacturing nec
C276100 Hand Tool and General Hardware Manufacturing
C276200 Spring and Wire Product Manufacturing
C276300 Nut, Bolt, Screw and Rivet Manufacturing
C276400 Metal Coating and Finishing
C276500 Non-Ferrous Pipe Fitting Manufacturing
C276900 Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing nec
C281100 Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
C281200 Motor Vehicle Body Manufacturing
C281300 Automotive Electrical and Instrument Manufacturing
C281900 Automotive Component Manufacturing nec
C282100 Shipbuilding
C282200 Boatbuilding
C282300 Railway Equipment Manufacturing
C282400 Aircraft Manufacturing
C282900 Transport Equipment Manufacturing nec
C283100 Photographic and Optical Good Manufacturing
C283200 Medical and Surgical Equipment Manufacturing
C283900 Professional and Scientific Equipment Manufacturing nec
C284100 Computer and Business Machine Manufacturing
C284200 Telecommunication, Broadcasting and Transceiving Equipment Manufacturing
C284900 Electronic Equipment Manufacturing nec
C285100 Household Appliance Manufacturing
C285200 Electric Cable and Wire Manufacturing
C285300 Battery Manufacturing
C285400 Electric Light and Sign Manufacturing
C285900 Electrical Equipment Manufacturing nec
C286100 Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing
C286200 Mining and Construction Machinery Manufacturing
C286300 Food Processing Machinery Manufacturing
C286400 Machine Tool and Part Manufacturing
C286500 Lifting and Material Handling Equipment Manufacturing
C286600 Pump and Compressor Manufacturing
C286700 Commercial Space Heating and Cooling Equipment Manufacturing
C286900 Industrial Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing nec
C291100 Prefabricated Metal Building Manufacturing
C291900 Prefabricated Building Manufacturing nec
C292100 Wooden Furniture and Upholstered Seat Manufacturing
C292200 Sheet Metal Furniture Manufacturing
C292300 Mattress Manufacturing (except Rubber)
C292900 Furniture Manufacturing nec
C294100 Jewellery and Silverware Manufacturing
C294200 Toy and Sporting Good Manufacturing
C294900 Manufacturing nec
D361000 Electricity Supply
D362000 Gas Supply
D370100 Water Supply
D370200 Sewerage and Drainage Services
E411100 House Construction
E411200 Residential Building Construction nec
E411300 Non-Residential Building Construction
E412100 Road and Bridge Construction
E412200 Non-Building Construction nec
E421000 Site Preparation Services
E422100 Concreting Services
E422200 Bricklaying Services
E422300 Roofing Services
E422400 Structural Steel Erection Services
E423100 Plumbing Services
E423200 Electrical Services
E423300 Air Conditioning and Heating Services
E423400 Fire and Security System Services
E424100 Plastering and Ceiling Services
E424200 Carpentry Services
E424300 Tiling and Carpeting Services
E424400 Painting and Decorating Services
E424500 Glazing Services
E425100 Landscaping Services
E425900 Construction Services nec
F451100 Wool Wholesaling
F451200 Cereal Grain Wholesaling
F451900 Farm Produce and Supplies Wholesaling nec
F452100 Petroleum Product Wholesaling
F452200 Metal and Mineral Wholesaling
F452300 Chemical Wholesaling
F453100 Timber Wholesaling
F453900 Building Supplies Wholesaling nec
F461100 Farm and Construction Machinery Wholesaling
F461200 Professional Equipment Wholesaling
F461300 Computer Wholesaling
F461400 Business Machine Wholesaling nec
F461500 Electrical and Electronic Equipment Wholesaling nec
F461900 Machinery and Equipment Wholesaling nec
F462100 Car Wholesaling
F462200 Commercial Vehicle Wholesaling
F462300 Motor Vehicle New Part Dealing
F462400 Motor Vehicle Dismantling and Used Part Dealing
F471100 Meat Wholesaling
F471200 Poultry and Smallgood Wholesaling
F471300 Dairy Produce Wholesaling
F471400 Fish Wholesaling
F471500 Fruit and Vegetable Wholesaling
F471600 Confectionery and Soft Drink Wholesaling
F471700 Liquor Wholesaling
F471800 Tobacco Product Wholesaling
F471900 Grocery Wholesaling nec
F472100 Textile Product Wholesaling
F472200 Clothing Wholesaling
F472300 Footwear Wholesaling
F473100 Household Appliance Wholesaling
F473200 Furniture Wholesaling
F473300 Floor Covering Wholesaling
F473900 Household Good Wholesaling nec
F479100 Photographic Equipment Wholesaling
F479200 Jewellery and Watch Wholesaling
F479300 Toy and Sporting Good Wholesaling
F479400 Book and Magazine Wholesaling
F479500 Paper Product Wholesaling
F479600 Pharmaceutical and Toiletry Wholesaling
F479900 Wholesaling nec
G511010 Supermarkets
G511020 Groceries and Dairies
G512100 Fresh Meat, Fish and Poultry Retailing
G512200 Fruit and Vegetable Retailing
G512300 Liquor Retailing
G512400 Bread and Cake Retailing
G512510 Fish and Chips, Hamburger and Ethnic Food, Takeaway Stores
G512520 Chicken Takeaway Stores
G512530 Ice-Cream Parlours and Mobile Ice-Cream Vendors
G512540 Pizza Takeaway Stores
G512590 Other Takeaway Food Stores (including sandwiches and savouries) nec
G512600 Milk Vending
G512900 Specialised Food Retailing nec
G521000 Department Stores
G522100 Clothing Retailing
G522200 Footwear Retailing
G522300 Fabrics and other Soft Good Retailing
G523100 Furniture Retailing
G523200 Floor Covering Retailing
G523300 Domestic Hardware and Houseware Retailing
G523400 Domestic Appliance Retailing
G523500 Recorded Music Retailing
G524100 Sport and Camping Equipment Retailing
G524200 Toy and Game Retailing
G524300 Newspaper, Book and Stationery Retailing
G524400 Photographic Equipment Retailing
G524500 Marine Equipment Retailing
G525100 Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Toiletry Retailing
G525200 Antique and Used Good Retailing
G525300 Garden Supplies Retailing
G525400 Flower Retailing
G525500 Watch and Jewellery Retailing
G525900 Retailing nec
G526100 Household Equipment Repair Services (Electrical)
G526900 Household Equipment Repair Services nec
G531100 Car Retailing
G531200 Motor Cycle Dealing
G531300 Trailer and Caravan Dealing
G532100 Automotive Fuel Retailing
G532200 Automotive Electrical Services
G532300 Smash Repairing
G532400 Tyre Retailing
G532900 Automotive Repair and Services nec
H571010 Hotels (Accommodation)
H571020 Motels and Motor Inns
H571030 Hosted Accommodation
H571040 Backpacker and Youth Hostels
H571050 Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds
H571090 Accommodation nec
H572000 Pubs, Taverns and Bars
H573000 Cafes and Restaurants
H574000 Clubs (Hospitality)
I611000 Road Freight Transport
I612100 Long Distance Bus Transport
I612200 Short Distance Bus Transport (including Tramway)
I612300 Taxi and Other Road Passenger Transport
I620000 Rail Transport
I630100 International Sea Transport
I630200 Coastal Water Transport
I630300 Inland Water Transport
I640100 Scheduled International Air Transport
I640200 Scheduled Domestic Air Transport
I640300 Non-Scheduled Air and Space Transport
I650100 Pipeline Transport
I650900 Transport nec
I661100 Parking Services
I661900 Services to Road Transport nec
I662100 Stevedoring
I662200 Water Transport Terminals
I662300 Port Operators
I662900 Services to Water Transport nec
I663000 Services to Air Transport
I664100 Travel Agency Services
I664200 Road Freight Forwarding
I664300 Freight Forwarding (except Road)
I664400 Customs Agency Services
I664900 Services to Transport nec
I670100 Grain Storage
I670900 Storage nec
J711100 Postal Services
J711200 Courier Services
J712000 Telecommunication Services
K731000 Central Bank
K732100 Banks
K732200 Building Societies
K732300 Credit Unions
K732400 Money Market Dealers
K732900 Deposit Taking Financiers nec
K733000 Other Financiers
K734000 Financial Asset Investors
K741100 Life Insurance
K741200 Superannuation Funds
K742100 Health Insurance
K742200 General Insurance
K751100 Financial Asset Broking Services
K751900 Services to Finance and Investment nec
K752000 Services to Insurance
L771110 Residential Property Body Corporates
L771190 Residential Property Operators nec
L771210 Commercial Property Body Corporates
L771290 Commercial Property Operators and Developers nec
L772000 Real Estate Agents
L773010 Holder Investor Farm Animals
L773090 Non-Financial Asset Investors nec
L774100 Motor Vehicle Hiring
L774200 Other Transport Equipment Leasing
L774300 Plant Hiring or Leasing
L781000 Scientific Research
L782100 Architectural Services
L782200 Surveying Services
L782300 Consultant Engineering Services
L782900 Technical Services nec
L783100 Data Processing Services
L783200 Information Storage and Retrieval Services
L783300 Computer Maintenance Services
L783400 Computer Consultancy Services
L784100 Legal Services
L784200 Accounting Services
L785100 Advertising Services
L785200 Commercial Art and Display Services
L785300 Market Research Services
L785400 Business Administrative Services
L785500 Business Management Services
L786100 Employment Placement Services
L786200 Contract Staff Services
L786300 Secretarial Services
L786400 Security and Investigative Services (except Police)
L786500 Pest Control Services
L786600 Cleaning Services
L786700 Contract Packing Services nec
L786900 Business Services nec
M811100 Central Government Administration
M811300 Local Government Administration
M812000 Justice
M813000 Foreign Government Representation
M820000 Defence
N841000 Preschool Education
N842100 Primary Education
N842200 Secondary Education
N842300 Combined Primary and Secondary Education
N842400 Special School Education
N843100 Higher Education
N843200 Technical and Further Education
N844000 Other Education
O861100 Hospitals (except Psychiatric Hospitals)
O861200 Psychiatric Hospitals
O861300 Nursing Homes
O862100 General Practice Medical Services
O862200 Specialist Medical Services
O862300 Dental Services
O863100 Pathology Services
O863200 Optometry and Optical Dispensing
O863300 Ambulance Services
O863500 Physiotherapy Services
O863600 Chiropractic Services
O863900 Health Services nec
O864000 Veterinary Services
O871000 Child Care Services
O872100 Accommodation for the Aged
O872200 Residential Care Services nec
O872900 Non-Residential Care Services nec
P911100 Film and Video Production
P911200 Film and Video Distribution
P911300 Motion Picture Exhibition
P912100 Radio Services
P912200 Television Services
P921000 Libraries
P922000 Museums
P923100 Zoological and Botanic Gardens
P923900 Recreational Parks and Gardens
P924100 Music and Theatre Productions
P924200 Creative Arts
P925100 Sound Recording Studios
P925200 Performing Arts Venues
P925900 Services to the Arts nec
P931110 Racing Clubs and Track Operation (excluding Training and Ownership)
P931120 Horse and Dog Training (excluding Racing and Ownership)
P931200 Sports Grounds and Facilities nec
P931900 Sports and Services to Sports nec
P932100 Lotteries
P932200 Casinos
P932900 Gambling Services nec
P933000 Other Recreation Services
Q951100 Video Hire Outlets
Q951900 Personal and Household Goods Hiring nec
Q952100 Laundries and Dry-Cleaners
Q952200 Photographic Film Processing
Q952300 Photographic Studios
Q952400 Funeral Directors, Crematoria and Cemeteries
Q952500 Gardening Services
Q952600 Hairdressing and Beauty Salons
Q952900 Personal Services nec
Q961000 Religious Organisations
Q962100 Business and Professional Associations
Q962200 Labour Associations
Q962900 Interest Groups nec
Q963100 Police Services
Q963200 Corrective Centres
Q963300 Fire Brigade Services
Q963400 Waste Disposal Services
Q970000 Private Households Employing Staff
R994000 Don't Know
R995000 Refused to Answer
R997000 Response Unidentifiable
R998000 Response Outside Scope

Not Stated



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Summary of Terms

Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO)


Occupation Code Occupation Description
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Worker 422111
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker 411511
Accommodation and Hospitality Managers nec 141999
Accountant (General) 221111
Accounts Clerk 551111
Actor 211111
Actors, Dancers and Other Entertainers nec 211199
Actuary 224111
Acupuncturist 252211
Admissions Clerk 542112
Advertising and Public Relations Manager 131111
Advertising Specialist 225111
Aeronautical Engineer 233911
Aeroplane Pilot 231111
Aged or Disabled Carer 423111
Agricultural and Horticultural Mobile Plant Operator 721111
Agricultural Consultant 234111
Agricultural Engineer 233912
Agricultural Scientist 234112
Agricultural Technician 311111
Air Traffic Controller 231112
Air Transport Professionals nec 231199
Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber 334112
Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic 342111
Aircraft Baggage Handler and Airline Ground Crew 721911
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics) 323111
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical) 323112
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures) 323113
Aircraft Refueller 733112
Alarm, Security or Surveillance Monitor 442211
Ambulance Officer 411111
Amusement Centre Manager 149111
Anaesthetic Technician 311211
Anaesthetist 253211
Analyst Programmer 261311
Anatomist or Physiologist 234512
Animal Attendants and Trainers nec 361199
Antique Dealer 142112
Apiarist 121311
Apparel Cutter 393211
Aquaculture Farmer 121111
Aquaculture Worker 841111
Arborist 362212
Architect 232111
Architectural Draftsperson 312111
Archivist 224211
Armoured Car Escort 442212
Art Director (Film, Television or Stage) 212311
Art Teacher (Private Tuition) 249211
Artistic Director 212111
Arts Administrator or Manager 139911
Auctioneer 611111
Audiologist 252711
Author 212211
Autoglazier 899412
Automobile Drivers nec 731199
Automotive Electrician 321111
Backhoe Operator 721212
Baker 351111
Baking Factory Worker 831111
Bank Worker 552111
Bar Attendant 431111
Bar Useful or Busser 431911
Barista 431112
Barrister 271111
Beauty Therapist 451111
Bed and Breakfast Operator 141911
Beef Cattle Farm Worker 841511
Beef Cattle Farmer 121312
Betting Agency Counter Clerk 561111
Betting Agency Manager 142113
Betting Clerks nec 561199
Bicycle Mechanic 899911
Binder and Finisher 392111
Biochemist 234513
Biomedical Engineer 233913
Biotechnologist 234514
Blacksmith 322111
Boarding Kennel or Cattery Operator 149911
Boat Builder and Repairer 399111
Boiler or Engine Operator 712911
Book or Script Editor 212212
Bookkeeper 551211
Bookmaker 552311
Bookmaker's Clerk 561112
Botanist 234515
Brewery Worker 831112
Bricklayer 331111
Broadcast Transmitter Operator 399511
Builder's Labourer 821111
Building and Engineering Technicians nec 312999
Building Associate 312112
Building Inspector 312113
Building Insulation Installer 821411
Bulk Materials Handling Plant Operator 712912
Bulldozer Operator 721213
Bungy Jump Master 452211
Bus Driver 731211
Business Broker 612111
Business Machine Mechanic 342311
Butcher or Smallgoods Maker 351211
Cabinetmaker 394111
Cabler (Data and Telecommunications) 342411
Cafe or Restaurant Manager 141111
Cafe Worker 431211
Call or Contact Centre Manager 149211
Call or Contact Centre Operator 541112
Call or Contact Centre Team Leader 541111
Camera Operator (Film, Television or Video) 399512
Canvas Goods Maker 393111
Car Detailer 811111
Car Park Attendant 899912
Caravan Park and Camping Ground Manager 141211
Cardiac Technician 311212
Cardiologist 253312
Cardiothoracic Surgeon 253512
Careers Counsellor 272111
Caretaker 899111
Carpenter 331212
Carpenter and Joiner 331211
Carpet Cleaner 811611
Cartographer 232211
Cash Van Salesperson 621711
Cement and Concrete Plant Worker 839911
Cement Production Plant Operator 712913
Charter and Tour Bus Driver 731212
Chauffeur 731111
Checkout Operator 631111
Chef 351311
Chemical Engineer 233111
Chemical Plant Operator 399211
Chemical Plant Worker 839912
Chemical Production Machine Operator 711911
Chemist 234211
Chemistry Technician 311411
Chief Executive or Managing Director 111111
Chief Information Officer 135111
Child Care Centre Manager 134111
Child Care Worker 421111
Child or Youth Residential Care Assistant 423411
Chiropractor 252111
Chocolate Packer 832111
Cinema or Theatre Manager 149912
Civil Celebrant 451811
Civil Engineer 233211
Civil Engineering Draftsperson 312211
Civil Engineering Technician 312212
Classified Advertising Clerk 561911
Clay Processing Factory Worker 839913
Clay Products Machine Operator 711111
Clay, Concrete, Glass and Stone Processing Machine Operators nec 711199
Cleaners nec 811699
Clerical and Administrative Workers nec 599999
Clerical and Office Support Workers nec 561999
Clerk of Court 599211
Clinical Haematologist 253313
Clinical oncologist 253314
Clinical Psychologist 272311
Clothing Patternmaker 393212
Clothing Trades Workers nec 393299
Coding Clerk 599911
Commercial Cleaner 811211
Commercial Housekeeper 811411
Commissioned Defence Force Officer 139111
Commissioned Fire Officer 139112
Commissioned Police Officer 139113
Commodities Trader 222111
Communications Operator 342312
Community Arts Worker 272611
Community Worker 411711
Company Secretary 221211
Complementary Health Therapists nec 252299
Composer 211211
Computer Network and Systems Engineer 263111
Concrete Batching Plant Operator 712914
Concrete Products Machine Operator 711112
Concrete Pump Operator 712915
Concreter 821211
Confectionery Maker 831113
Conference and Event Organiser 149311
Conservation Officer 234311
Conservator 234911
Construction Estimator 312114
Construction Project Manager 133111
Construction Rigger 821711
Container Filler 832112
Contract Administrator 511111
Conveyancer 599111
Cook 351411
Copywriter 212411
Corporate General Manager 111211
Corporate Services Manager 132111
Corporate Treasurer 221212
Cost Clerk 551112
Cotton Grower 121211
Counsellors nec 272199
Courier 561211
Court Bailiff or Sheriff (Aus) / Court Collections Officer (NZ) 599212
Court Orderly (Aus) / Court Registry Officer (NZ) 599213
Crane Chaser 821911
Crane, Hoist or Lift Operator 712111
Credit or Loans Officer 552211
Crop Farm Workers nec 841299
Crop Farmers nec 121299
Crossing Supervisor 899913
Crowd Controller 442213
Customer Service Manager 149212
Customs Officer 599511
Dairy Cattle Farm Worker 841512
Dairy Cattle Farmer 121313
Dairy Products Maker 831114
Dance Teacher (Private Tuition) 249212
Dancer or Choreographer 211112
Data Entry Operator 532111
Database Administrator 262111
Debt Collector 599311
Deck Hand 899211
Deer Farmer 121314
Defence Force Member - Other Ranks 441111
Defence Force Senior Officer 111212
Delivery Driver 732111
Dental Assistant 423211
Dental Hygienist 411211
Dental Prosthetist 411212
Dental Specialist 252311
Dental Technician 411213
Dental Therapist 411214
Dentist 252312
Dermatologist 253911
Despatching and Receiving Clerk 591211
Detective 441311
Developer Programmer 261312
Diesel Motor Mechanic 321212
Dietitian 251111
Director (Film, Television, Radio or Stage) 212312
Director of Photography 212313
Disabilities Services Officer 411712
Diver 399911
Diversional Therapist 411311
Diving Instructor (Open Water) 452311
Dog Handler or Trainer 361111
Dog or Horse Racing Official 452318
Domestic Cleaner 811311
Domestic Housekeeper 811412
Doorperson or Luggage Porter 431912
Door-to-door Salesperson 621712
Drainage, Sewerage and Stormwater Labourer 821112
Drainer (Aus) / Drainlayer (NZ) 334113
Drama Teacher (Private Tuition) 249213
Dressmaker or Tailor 393213
Driller 712211
Driller's Assistant 821912
Driving Instructor 451211
Drug and Alcohol Counsellor 272112
Drycleaner 811512
Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher 241111
Earth Science Technician 311412
Earthmoving Labourer 821113
Earthmoving Plant Operator (General) 721211
Economist 224311
Education Adviser 249111
Education Managers nec 134499
Education Reviewer 249112
Educational Psychologist 272312
Electorate Officer 224911
Electrical Engineer 233311
Electrical Engineering Draftsperson 312311
Electrical Engineering Technician 312312
Electrical Linesworker (Aus) / Electrical Line Mechanic (NZ) 342211
Electrical or Telecommunications Trades Assistant 899914
Electrician (General) 341111
Electrician (Special Class) 341112
Electronic Engineering Draftsperson 312411
Electronic Engineering Technician 312412
Electronic Equipment Trades Worker 342313
Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General) 342314
Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (Special Class) 342315
Electronics Engineer 233411
Electroplater 322112
Emergency Medicine Specialist 253912
Emergency Service Worker 441211
Endocrinologist 253315
Engineering Manager 133211
Engineering Patternmaker 323411
Engineering Production Systems Worker 712311
Engineering Professionals nec 233999
Engineering Technologist 233914
Engraver 323311
Enrolled Nurse 411411
Entertainer or Variety Artist 211113
Environmental Consultant 234312
Environmental Engineer 233915
Environmental Health Officer 251311
Environmental Manager 139912
Environmental Research Scientist 234313
Environmental Scientists nec 234399
Excavator Operator 721214
Exhaust and Muffler Fitter 899413
External Auditor 221213
Fabric and Textile Factory Worker 839914
Facilities Manager 149913
Factory Process Workers nec 839999
Faculty Head 134411
Family and Marriage Counsellor 272113
Family Day Care Worker 421112
Family Support Worker 411713
Farm, Forestry and Garden Workers nec 841999
Farrier 322113
Fashion Designer 232311
Fast Food Cook 851111
Fencer 821311
Fibrous Plasterer 333211
Filing or Registry Clerk 561311
Film and Video Editor 212314
Film, Television, Radio and Stage Directors nec 212399
Finance Broker 222112
Finance Manager 132211
Financial Brokers nec 222199
Financial Dealers nec 222299
Financial Institution Branch Manager 149914
Financial Investment Adviser 222311
Financial Investment Manager 222312
Financial Market Dealer 222211
Fire Fighter 441212
Fisheries Officer 311311
Fishing Guide 452212
Fishing Hand 899212
Fitness Centre Manager 149112
Fitness Instructor 452111
Fitter (General) 323211
Fitter and Turner 323212
Fitter-Welder 323213
Fleet Manager 149411
Flight Attendant 451711
Floor Finisher 332111
Florist 362111
Flower Grower 121212
Flying Instructor 231113
Food and Drink Factory Workers nec 831199
Food Technologist 234212
Food Trades Assistants nec 851299
Footballer 452411
Footwear Factory Worker 839915
Footwear Production Machine Operator 711711
Forester (Aus) / Forest Scientist (NZ) 234113
Forestry Worker 841311
Forklift Driver 721311
Freight Handler (Rail or Road) 891111
Fruit and Vegetable Factory Worker 831115
Fruit and Vegetable Packer 832113
Fruit or Nut Farm Worker 841211
Fruit or Nut Grower 121213
Fruit or Nut Picker 841212
Funeral Director 451311
Funeral Workers nec 451399
Furniture Finisher 394211
Furniture Removalist 733113
Futures Trader 222212
Gallery or Museum Curator 224212
Gallery or Museum Guide 451411
Gallery or Museum Technician 399311
Gaming Worker 431311
Garden Labourer 841411
Gardener (General) 362211
Gas or Petroleum Operator 399212
Gasfitter 334114
Gastroenterologist 253316
General Clerk 531111
General Medical Practitioner 253111
Geologist 234411
Geophysicist 234412
Geotechnical Engineer 233212
Glass Processing Worker 839916
Glass Production Machine Operator 711113
Glazier 333111
Goat Farmer 121315
Golfer 452412
Grader Operator 721215
Grain Mill Worker 831116
Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Farm Worker (Aus) / Field Crop Farm Worker (NZ) 841213
Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower (Aus) / Field Crop Grower (NZ) 121214
Grape Grower 121215
Graphic Designer 232411
Graphic Pre-press Trades Worker 392211
Greenkeeper 362311
Gunsmith 323312
Gymnastics Coach or Instructor 452312
Hair or Beauty Salon Assistant 451812
Hair or Beauty Salon Manager 142114
Hairdresser 391111
Handyperson 899311
Hardware Technician 313111
Health and Welfare Services Managers nec 134299
Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals nec 251999
Health Information Manager 224213
Health Practice Manager 512211
Health Promotion Officer 251911
Helicopter Pilot 231114
Hide and Skin Processing Machine Operator 711712
Hide and Skin Processing Worker 839917
Historian 272411
Home Improvement Installer 821412
Homoeopath 252212
Horse Breeder 121316
Horse Riding Coach or Instructor 452313
Horse Trainer 361112
Horticultural Nursery Assistant 841412
Hospital Orderly 423311
Hospital Pharmacist 251511
Hospitality Workers nec 431999
Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers nec 149999
Hostel Parent 423412
Hotel or Motel Manager 141311
Hotel or Motel Receptionist 542113
Hotel Service Manager 431411
Human Resource Adviser 223111
Human Resource Clerk 599411
Human Resource Manager 132311
Hunter-Trapper 841911
Hunting Guide 452213
ICT Account Manager 225211
ICT Business Analyst 261111
ICT Business Development Manager 225212
ICT Customer Support Officer 313112
ICT Managers nec 135199
ICT Project Manager 135112
ICT Quality Assurance Engineer 263211
ICT Sales Assistant 621211
ICT Sales Representative 225213
ICT Security Specialist 262112
ICT Support and Test Engineers nec 263299
ICT Support Engineer 263212
ICT Support Technicians nec 313199
ICT Systems Test Engineer 263213
ICT Trainer 223211
Illustrator 232412
Immigration Officer 599512
Importer or Exporter 133311
Import-Export Clerk 591212
Industrial Designer 232312
Industrial Engineer 233511
Industrial Pharmacist 251512
Industrial Spraypainter 711211
Information and Organisation Professionals nec 224999
Inquiry Clerk 541211
Inspectors and Regulatory Officers nec 599599
Insurance Agent 611211
Insurance Broker 222113
Insurance Consultant 552312
Insurance Investigator 599611
Insurance Loss Adjuster 599612
Insurance Risk Surveyor 599613
Integration Aide 422112
Intelligence Officer 224411
Intensive Care Ambulance Paramedic (Aus) / Ambulance Paramedic (NZ) 411112
Intensive Care Specialist 253317
Interior Decorator 399912
Interior Designer 232511
Internal Auditor 221214
Internal Medicine Specialists nec 253399
Interpreter 272412
Ironer or Presser 811513
Jeweller 399411
Jewellery Designer 232313
Jockey 452413
Joiner 331213
Journalists and Other Writers nec 212499
Judge 271211
Judicial and Other Legal Professionals nec 271299
Kaiako Kohanga Reo (Maori Language Nest Teacher) 241112
Kaiako Kura Kaupapa Maori (Maori-medium Primary School Teacher) 241211
Kaiawhina (Hauora) (Maori Health Assistant) 411512
Kaiawhina Kohanga Reo (Maori Language Nest Assistant) 422113
Kaiawhina Kura Kaupapa Maori (Maori-medium School Assistant) 422114
Kitchenhand 851311
Knitting Machine Operator 711713
Laboratory Manager 139913
Labourers nec 899999
Lagger 821913
Land Economist 224511
Landscape Architect 232112
Landscape Gardener 362213
Laundry Worker (General) 811511
Law Clerk 599214
Leaflet or Newspaper Deliverer 899915
Leather Goods Maker 393112
Legal Executive 599112
Legal Secretary 521212
Legislators nec 111399
Liaison Officer 224912
Librarian 224611
Library Assistant 599711
Library Technician 399312
Licensed Club Manager 141411
Life Science Technician 311413
Life Scientist (General) 234511
Life Scientists nec 234599
Lifeguard 452414
Lift Mechanic 341113
Light Technician 399513
Linemarker 721912
Livestock Farm Workers nec 841599
Livestock Farmers nec 121399
Loader Operator 721216
Local Government Legislator 111311
Locksmith 323313
Logging Assistant 841312
Logging Plant Operator 721112
Machine Operators nec 711999
Machine Shorthand Reporter 532112
Magistrate 271212
Mail Clerk 561411
Maintenance Planner 312911
Make Up Artist 399514
Management Accountant 221112
Management Consultant 224711
Manufacturer 133411
Marine Biologist 234516
Marine Transport Professionals nec 231299
Market Research Analyst 225112
Marketing Specialist 225113
Massage Therapist 411611
Master Fisher 231211
Materials Engineer 233112
Materials Recycler 621911
Mathematician 224112
Meat Boner and Slicer 831211
Meat Inspector 311312
Meat Packer 832114
Meat Process Worker 831311
Mechanical Engineer 233512
Mechanical Engineering Draftsperson 312511
Mechanical Engineering Technician 312512
Mechanic's Assistant 899916
Media Producer (excluding Video) 212112
Medical Administrator (Aus) / Medical Superintendent (NZ) 134211
Medical Diagnostic Radiographer 251211
Medical Laboratory Scientist 234611
Medical Laboratory Technician 311213
Medical Practitioners nec 253999
Medical Radiation Therapist 251212
Medical Receptionist 542114
Medical Technicians nec 311299
Member of Parliament 111312
Metal Casting Trades Worker 322114
Metal Engineering Process Worker 839111
Metal Fabricator 322311
Metal Fitters and Machinists nec 323299
Metal Machinist (First Class) 323214
Metal Polisher 322115
Metallurgical or Materials Technician 312912
Metallurgist 234912
Meteorologist 234913
Meter Reader 561912
Microbiologist 234517
Middle School Teacher (Aus) / Intermediate School Teacher (NZ) 241311
Midwife 254111
Migration Agent (Aus) / Immigration Consultant (NZ) 224913
Mine Deputy 312913
Miner 712212
Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum) 233611
Mining Support Worker 821914
Minister of Religion 272211
Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm Worker 841611
Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmer 121411
Mixed Crop Farmer 121216
Mixed Livestock Farm Worker 841513
Mixed Livestock Farmer 121317
Mobile Plant Operators nec 721999
Model 639111
Money Market Clerk 552313
Mothercraft Nurse 411412
Motion Picture Projectionist 711912
Motor Mechanic (General) 321211
Motor Vehicle Licence Examiner 599513
Motor Vehicle or Caravan Salesperson 621311
Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Fitter (General) 899411
Motor Vehicle Parts Interpreter (Aus) / Automotive Parts Salesperson (NZ) 621312
Motorcycle Mechanic 321213
Mountain or Glacier Guide 452214
Multimedia Designer 232413
Multimedia Specialist 261211
Music Director 211212
Music Professionals nec 211299
Music Teacher (Private Tuition) 249214
Musical Instrument Maker or Repairer 399515
Musician (Instrumental) 211213
Nanny 421113
Natural and Physical Science Professionals nec 234999
Natural Remedy Consultant 451511
Naturopath 252213
Naval Architect (Aus) / Marine Designer (NZ) 233916
Network Administrator 263112
Network Analyst 263113
Neurologist 253318
Neurosurgeon 253513
Newspaper or Periodical Editor 212412
Noxious Weeds and Pest Inspector 599514
Nuclear Medicine Technologist 251213
Nurse Educator 254211
Nurse Manager 254311
Nurse Practitioner 254411
Nurse Researcher 254212
Nurseryperson 362411
Nursing Clinical Director 134212
Nursing Support Worker 423312
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist 253913
Occupational Health and Safety Adviser 251312
Occupational Therapist 252411
Office Cashier 631112
Office Manager 512111
Operating Theatre Technician 311214
Ophthalmologist 253914
Optical Dispenser (Aus) / Dispensing Optician (NZ) 399913
Optical Mechanic 399914
Optometrist 251411
Order Clerk 591111
Organisation and Methods Analyst 224712
Organisational Psychologist 272313
Orthopaedic Surgeon 253514
Orthoptist 251412
Orthotist or Prosthetist 251912
Osteopath 252112
Other Sales Support Worker 639911
Other Sports Coach or Instructor 452317
Other Sports Official 452323
Otorhinolaryngologist 253515
Out of School Hours Care Worker 421114
Outdoor Adventure Guides nec 452299
Outdoor Adventure Instructor 452215
Packers nec 832199
Paediatric Surgeon 253516
Paediatrician 253321
Painter (Visual Arts) 211411
Painting Trades Worker 332211
Panelbeater 324111
Paper and Pulp Mill Operator 712916
Paper and Pulp Mill Worker 839411
Paper Products Machine Operator 711311
Park Ranger 234314
Parking Inspector 561913
Parole or Probation Officer 411714
Passenger Coach Driver 731213
Pastrycook 351112
Pastrycook's Assistant 851211
Patents Examiner 224914
Pathologist 253915
Paving and Surfacing Labourer 821511
Paving Plant Operator 721913
Payroll Clerk 551311
Performing Arts Technicians nec 399599
Personal Assistant 521111
Personal Care Assistant 423313
Personal Service Workers nec 451899
Pest or Weed Controller 841912
Pet Groomer 361113
Petroleum Engineer 233612
Pharmacy Sales Assistant 621411
Pharmacy Technician 311215
Photographer 211311
Photographer's Assistant 399915
Photographic Developer and Printer 711411
Physicist 234914
Physiotherapist 252511
Picture Framer 394212
Pig Farmer 121318
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon 253517
Plastic Cablemaking Machine Operator 711511
Plastic Compounding and Reclamation Machine Operator 711512
Plastics and Rubber Production Machine Operators nec 711599
Plastics Fabricator or Welder 711513
Plastics Factory Worker 839211
Plastics Production Machine Operator (General) 711514
Plastics Technician 399916
Plumber (General) 334111
Plumber's Assistant 821114
Plumbing Inspector 312115
Podiatrist 252611
Police Officer 441312
Policy Analyst 224412
Policy and Planning Manager 132411
Post Office Manager 142115
Postal Delivery Officer 561212
Postal Sorting Officer 561412
Potter or Ceramic Artist 211412
Pouako Kura Kaupapa Maori (Maori-medium Primary School Senior Teacher) 241212
Poultry Farm Worker 841514
Poultry Farmer 121321
Poultry Process Worker 831312
Power Generation Plant Operator 399213
Practice Managers nec 512299
Precision Instrument Maker and Repairer 323314
Preschool Aide 422115
Pressure Welder 322312
Primary Health Organisation Manager 134213
Primary Products Inspectors nec 311399
Primary School Teacher 241213
Print Journalist 212413
Printer's Assistant 899511
Printing Machinist 392311
Printing Table Worker 899512
Prison Officer 442111
Private Investigator 442214
Private Tutors and Teachers nec 249299
Product Assembler 832211
Product Examiner 839311
Product Grader 839312
Product Tester 839313
Production Assistant (Film, Television, Radio or Stage) 599912
Production Clerk 591112
Production Manager (Forestry) 133511
Production Manager (Manufacturing) 133512
Production Manager (Mining) 133513
Production or Plant Engineer 233513
Program Director (Television or Radio) 212315
Program or Project Administrator 511112
Project Builder 133112
Proof Reader 599913
Property Manager 612112
Psychiatrist 253411
Psychologists nec 272399
Psychotherapist 272314
Public Relations Professional 225311
Purchasing Officer 591113
Quality Assurance Manager 139914
Quantity Surveyor 233213
Quarantine Officer 311313
Radiator Fitter 899414
Radio Despatcher 599914
Radio Journalist 212414
Radio Presenter 212113
Radiocommunications Technician 313211
Radiologist 253916
Railway Signal Operator 712917
Railway Station Manager 149412
Railway Track Plant Operator 721914
Railway Track Worker 821611
Railways Assistant 899917
Real Estate Agency Principal (Aus) / Real Estate Agency Licensee (NZ) 612113
Real Estate Agent 612114
Real Estate Representative 612115
Receptionist (General) 542111
Records Manager 224214
Recreation Officer (Aus) / Recreation Coordinator (NZ) 272612
Recruitment Consultant 223112
Recycling or Rubbish Collector 899611
Refuge Worker 423413
Regional Education Manager 134412
Registered Nurse (Aged Care) 254412
Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) 254413
Registered Nurse (Community Health) 254414
Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) 254415
Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) 254416
Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) 254417
Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) 254421
Registered Nurse (Medical) 254418
Registered Nurse (Mental Health) 254422
Registered Nurse (Perioperative) 254423
Registered Nurse (Surgical) 254424
Registered Nurses nec 254499
Rehabilitation Counsellor 272114
Reinforced Plastic and Composite Production Worker 711515
Renal Medicine Specialist 253322
Rental Salesperson 621912
Research and Development Manager 132511
Resident Medical Officer 253112
Residential Care Officer 411715
Retail Buyer 639211
Retail Loss Prevention Officer 442215
Retail Manager (General) 142111
Retail Pharmacist 251513
Retail Supervisor 621511
Rheumatologist 253323
Road Roller Operator 721915
Roof Plumber 334115
Roof Tiler 333311
Rubber Factory Worker 839212
Rubber Production Machine Operator 711516
Safety Inspector 312611
Sail Maker 393113
Sales and Marketing Manager 131112
Sales Assistant (General) 621111
Sales Assistants and Salespersons nec 621999
Sales Clerk 591114
Sales Demonstrator 639112
Sales Representative (Building and Plumbing Supplies) 611311
Sales Representative (Business Services) 611312
Sales Representative (Industrial Products) 225411
Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products) 225412
Sales Representative (Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories) 611313
Sales Representative (Personal and Household Goods) 611314
Sales Representatives nec 611399
Sand Blaster 711913
Saw Maker and Repairer 323315
Sawmill or Timber Yard Worker 839412
Scaffolder 821712
School Laboratory Technician 311414
School Principal 134311
Science Technicians nec 311499
Screen Printer 392112
Sculptor 211413
Seafood Packer 832115
Seafood Process Worker 831313
Secondary School Teacher 241411
Secretary (General) 521211
Security Consultant 442216
Security Officer 442217
Security Officers and Guards nec 442299
Senior Non-commissioned Defence Force Member 139211
Service Station Attendant 621611
Sewing Machinist 711611
Sex Worker or Escort 451813
Shearer 361211
Sheep Farm Worker 841515
Sheep Farmer 121322
Sheetmetal Trades Worker 322211
Shelf Filler 891211
Ship's Engineer 231212
Ship's Master 231213
Ship's Officer 231214
Ship's Surveyor 231215
Shipwright 399112
Shoemaker 393114
Shot Firer 712213
Sign Erector 899918
Signwriter 399611
Singer 211214
Slaughterer 831212
Small Engine Mechanic 321214
Small Offset Printer 392312
Snowsport Instructor 452314
Social Professionals nec 272499
Social Security Assessor 599515
Social Worker 272511
Software and Applications Programmers nec 261399
Software Engineer 261313
Solicitor 271311
Solid Plasterer 333212
Sonographer 251214
Sound Technician 399516
Special Education Teachers nec 241599
Special Needs Teacher 241511
Specialist Managers nec 139999
Specialist Physician (General Medicine) 253311
Speech Pathologist (Aus) / Speech Language Therapist (NZ) 252712
Sports Administrator 139915
Sports Centre Manager 149113
Sports Development Officer 452321
Sports Umpire 452322
Sportspersons nec 452499
Stablehand 841516
Stage Manager 212316
Stationary Plant Operators nec 712999
Statistical Clerk 552314
Statistician 224113
Steel Fixer 821713
Sterilisation Technician 711914
Stock and Station Agent 611112
Stock Clerk 591115
Stockbroking Dealer 222213
Stone Processing Machine Operator 711114
Stonemason 331112
Storeperson 741111
Street Vendor 621713
Streetsweeper Operator 721916
Structural Engineer 233214
Structural Steel Erector 821714
Student Counsellor 272115
Sugar Cane Grower 121217
Sugar Mill Worker 831117
Supply and Distribution Manager 133611
Surgeon (General) 253511
Survey Interviewer 561511
Surveying or Cartographic Technician 312116
Surveyor 232212
Surveyor's Assistant 821915
Swimming Coach or Instructor 452315
Switchboard Operator 561611
Systems Administrator 262113
Systems Analyst 261112
Tanker Driver 733114
Taxation Accountant 221113
Taxation Inspector 599516
Taxi Driver 731112
Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages 249311
Teacher of the Hearing Impaired 241512
Teacher of the Sight Impaired 241513
Teachers' Aide 422116
Technical Cable Jointer 342212
Technical Director 212317
Technical Sales Representatives nec 225499
Technical Writer 212415
Technicians and Trades Workers nec 399999
Telecommunications Cable Jointer 342412
Telecommunications Engineer 263311
Telecommunications Field Engineer 313212
Telecommunications Linesworker (Aus) / Telecommunications Line Mechanic (NZ) 342413
Telecommunications Network Engineer 263312
Telecommunications Network Planner 313213
Telecommunications Technical Officer or Technologist 313214
Telecommunications Technician 342414
Telemarketer 639311
Telephone Betting Clerk 561113
Television Equipment Operator 399517
Television Journalist 212416
Television Presenter 212114
Tennis Coach 452316
Textile and Footwear Production Machine Operators nec 711799
Textile Dyeing and Finishing Machine Operator 711714
Textile, Clothing and Footwear Mechanic 323215
Therapy Aide 423314
Thoracic Medicine Specialist 253324
Ticket Collector or Usher 899921
Ticket Seller 639411
Toolmaker 323412
Tour Guide 451412
Tourist Information Officer 451611
Tow Truck Driver 733115
Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner 252214
Traditional Maori Health Practitioner 252215
Train Controller 712918
Train Driver 731311
Train Examiner 599517
Training and Development Professional 223311
Tram Driver 731312
Translator 272413
Transport Company Manager 149413
Transport Conductor 639412
Transport Engineer 233215
Transport Operations Inspector 599518
Travel Agency Manager 142116
Travel Attendants nec 451799
Travel Consultant 451612
Tree Faller 841313
Trekking Guide 452216
Tribunal Member 271213
Trolley Collector 899922
Truck Driver (General) 733111
Truck Driver's Offsider 891112
Trust Officer 599215
Turf Grower 121218
Tyre Fitter 899415
University Lecturer 242111
University Tutor 242112
Upholsterer 393311
Urban and Regional Planner 232611
Urologist 253518
Valuer 224512
Vascular Surgeon 253521
Vegetable Farm Worker (Aus) / Market Garden Worker (NZ) 841214
Vegetable Grower (Aus) / Market Gardener (NZ) 121221
Vegetable Picker 841215
Vehicle Body Builder 324211
Vehicle Painter 324311
Vehicle Trimmer 324212
Vending Machine Attendant 899711
Veterinarian 234711
Veterinary Nurse 361311
Video Producer 212318
Vineyard Worker 841216
Visual Arts and Crafts Professionals nec 211499
Visual Merchandiser 639511
Vocational Education Teacher (Aus) / Polytechnic Teacher (NZ) 242211
Waiter 431511
Wall and Floor Tiler 333411
Warehouse Administrator 591116
Waste Water or Water Plant Operator 712921
Watch and Clock Maker and Repairer 323316
Water Inspector 599521
Waterside Worker 891113
Weaving Machine Operator 711715
Web Administrator 313113
Web Designer 232414
Web Developer 261212
Weighbridge Operator 712922
Weight Loss Consultant 451512
Welder (First Class) (Aus) / Welder (NZ) 322313
Welfare Centre Manager 134214
Welfare Worker 272613
Whitewater Rafting Guide 452217
Wholesaler 133312
Window Cleaner 811612
Wine Maker 234213
Winery Cellar Hand 831118
Wood and Wood Products Factory Worker 839413
Wood Machinist 394213
Wood Machinists and Other Wood Trades Workers nec 394299
Wood Processing Machine Operator 711312
Wood Turner 394214
Wool Buyer 639212
Wool Classer 399917
Wool Handler 841517
Word Processing Operator 532113
Workplace Relations Adviser 223113
Yarn Carding and Spinning Machine Operator 711716
Youth Worker 411716
Zookeeper 361114
Zoologist 234518

Further details about each occupation’s core tasks and requirements, skill level, and required qualification level or work experience are available

Related Links

Further details about each each occupation’s core tasks and requirements, skill level, and required qualification level or work experience are available on our ANZSCO pages.


See also a definition of skill level.




현 거주지와 주민등록상 주소가 다른데 비자 신청시 현거주지로 신청해도 괜찮은가요?

신체검사받을 때 주소를 쓰라고하길래 그때는 현거주지로 작성했습니당..

그냥 모든걸 현 거주지로 작성해도 불이익이 없겠죠..?ㅠㅠ




뉴질랜드 워킹홀리데이 신청할때 주소 답변 드립니다.




뉴질랜드 전문 지식인 엔젯인포 NZINFO 카페 운영자 제니스 입니다.




신체검사는 미리 받으셨는지요?


신체검사시에 작성하셨던 주소를 뉴질랜드 워킹홀리데이 비자 신청하실때 동일하게 작성하시면 됩니다.


주소지가 현주소가 아니라고 해서 불이익이나 피해는 전혀 없습니다.^^*


충분한 답변이 되어 드렸는지요?


더 궁금하신 점 있으시면 언제든지 엔젯인포 NZINFO로 문의 주시구요.


오늘 하루도 따뜻하고 행복한 하루 되세요.





지금 필리핀에서 영어 공부하고 있는 학생인데요

4월 22일에 뉴질랜드 워킹홀리데이 비자 꼭 신청하고 싶어요 도와주세요


제니스님 정말 간절한 도움이 필요해요 ㅠㅠ

질문들 보니까 어느나라에서든 온라인으로 신청하면 신청은 된다고 하는데 신체검사를 어디서 해야할지 모르겠어요


제니스님 도와주세요 ㅠㅠ




필리핀에서 뉴질랜드 워킹홀리데이 비자 신청 되나요? 답변 드립니다.




뉴질랜드 전문 지식인 엔젯인포 NZINFO 카페 운영자 제니스 입니다.




필리핀에서 영어 공부를 하고 계시는군요? 아~ 아~ 필리핀 맛사지가 한없이 그립네요 ^^*


먼저 말씀하신데로 온라인으로 뉴질랜드 워킹홀리데이 비자를 신청하시는 방법은 동일합니다.


그후 신체검사를 필리핀에서 하셔야 하는데요.


필리핀에서 뉴질랜드 워킹홀리데이 비자 신체검사 하는 방법 알려드릴게요.


http://www.immigration.govt.nz/paneldoctors/  ← 클릭해주세요.


아래 approved list 를 클릭해주세요.





PHILIPPINE 필리핀을 입력하시고 Search를 클릭하시면 필리핀내 뉴질랜드 지정 병원을 보실수 있으십니다.


병원에 내방하셔서 신체검사를 받으신후 뉴질랜드 이민성으로 발송하시면 되세요. ^^*





더 궁금하신 점 있으시면 언제든지 엔젯인포 NZINFO로 문의 주시구요.


오늘 남은 하루도 즐겁고 행복하게 보내세요. 감사합니다. ^^* 



안녕하세요? 제니스님

이제 곧 뉴질랜드 가려고 준비하고 있는데요

뉴질랜드 겨울에 많이 춥나요? 대부분 패팅입는지 궁금합니다.

그리고 수면바지도 많이 입나요?

막상 가져갔는데 그정도로 안추우면 짐만되서 ~~

그리고 한국보험과 현지보험 차이가 큰가요? 비용도 알고 싶어요

궁금한거 투성이에요

그래도 제니스님 우리는 지금 뉴질랜드 간다 책 보면서 많이 도움은 되었는데

자세히 좀 알려주세용~~~




뉴질랜드 겨울 날씨 많이 추운가요? 답변 입니다.




뉴질랜드 전문 지식인 엔젯인포 NZINFO 카페 운영자 제니스 입니다.




추위가 물러나고 벗꽃이 만개하는 4월의 첫번째 화요일 아침이네요.


즐거운 화요일 아침 시작하셨는지요?


질문하신 뉴질랜드 겨울 날씨와 유학생 보험에 대해서 자세하게 답변 드릴게요 ^^*



뉴질랜드 유학생 보험의 경우 말씀하신것처럼 뉴질랜드 보험 or 한국 유학생 보험중 선택해서 가입이 하세요.



한국에서 가입하시는 유학생 보험의 경우 1년 요금이 대략 14만원정도이며 1,500만원까지 의료 혜택을 받으실수 있습니다.


또한 호주 여행이나 다른 지역에 계시더라도 동일한 혜택을 받으실수 있으시구요.




뉴질랜드 유학생 보험의 경우 뉴질랜드에서만 의료 혜택을 받으실수 있으시구요.


뉴질랜드 유학생보험의 경우 상한선이 없이 모든 의료혜택을 받으실 수 있습니다.




뉴질랜드 겨울 날씨


뉴질랜드 오클랜드 겨울은 한국처럼 눈이 많이 내리거나 윗입과 아랫입이 달그락 달그락 부딪칠 정도로 춥지는 않습니다.


한 겨울에도 눈이 오는 경우가 거의 없으니까요..^^* 아래는 뉴질랜드 7월 날씨에 사람들 옷차림 입니다.


한겨울 날씨의 옷차림을 보시면 대충 추위를 아실수 있으실거 같아 도움 드리려 올립니다.^^*


더 궁금하신 점 있으시면 언제든지 제니스에게 문의 주시구요.


오늘 남은 하루도 즐겁고 행복하게 보내세요




뉴질랜드 7월 겨울 오클랜드 거리의 사람들 옷차림을 확인하세요.^^*









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